As a business owner, you know that networking is a powerful tool for reaching your goals, whether that is finding new clients or creating partnerships. Yet, making small talk with strangers can sometimes be  awkward.


Here are some tips for making small talk painless based on Debra Fine’s book The Fine Art of Small Talk.


Think about conversation topics before you walk into a networking event. Ask open ended questions and listen attentively. Some ideas:


Friends and Family: Tell me about your family. 

Job: What do you like best about your job?

The event: What brought you to this event today?

Recreation and leisure activities: What do you do in your free time?

Current Events: What do you think about ________?


Introduce your conversation partner to others who can be of value to him or her. 


Listen actively. Keep eye contact. Give verbal cues that show you are listening. Think up a follow-up question. 


Being a great networker can open you and your business up to new opportunities. Make the most of your networking events by using these tips. 

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